Health policy and resource allocation
- Sabik L, Lie R. Principles vs. procedures in making health care coverage decisions: Addressing inevitable conflicts. Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 2008; 29:73-85
- Sabik L, Lie, R. Priority setting in health care: Lessons for the US from the experiences of six countries. International Journal for Equity in Health Care, 2008, 7: 4
- Lie RK. Post-genom forskning. Et prioriteringsproblem. In, Ulf Görman, eds. Att forma vår fremtid, pp. 241-251, Nordic Academic Press, 2007
- Solli HM, da Silva AB, Lie, RK, Bruusgaard D. Biomedisinsk sykdomsmodell og materielle kriterier for rettferdig fordeling av uførepensjonssaker [Biomedical model of disease and criteria of distributive justice in disability pension cases]. Tidsskrift for den norske laegeforening 2005; 125: 3293-6
- Lie RK. Health, human rights and mobilization of resources for health. International health and human rights journal 2004; 4: 4 (8 October
- Biller N, Lie, RK, ter Meulen R. Evidence based medicine as an instrument for rational health policy. Health Care Analysis 2002: 10 (4): 261-275
- Jayasinghe S, Mendis N, Lie R. Use of disability adjusted life years in health planning - a plea for caution. Ceylon Medical Journal 2002: 47: 61
- Jayasinghe S, de Silva D, Mendis N, Lie RK. Ethics of resource allocation in developing countries: the case of Sri Lanka. Social Science and Medicine 1998: 47:1171-1180
- Lie RK. Experimental treatment, rationing and values. Social Science and Medicine 1994; 39:1011-1014
- Brody B, Lie RK. Methodological and conceptual issues in health system comparisons: Canada, Norway and the United States. Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 1993:18:437-463
- Brody B, Lie RK. Response to Poullier. Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 1993; 18:475-476
- Lie RK. Ethical dilemmas and resource allocation. Two questionnaire studies. WHO-SEARO, New Delhi 1999
- Hansson LF, Ruyter K, Lie RK. Prioriteringer i helsevesenet i Oregon. Hva kan vi lære? Tidsskr nor lægeforen 1991;11:3416-9