Philosophy and medicine
- Lie RK, Miller FG. What counts as reliable evidence for public health policy: the case of circumcision for preventing HIV infection. BMC Medical Research Methodology 2011: 11: 34
- Lie RK, Grady C, Emanuel EJ. Circumcision and HIV prevention research. An ethical analysis Lancet 2006;368: 522-25
- Lie RK. Research ethics and evidence based medicine. In Meulen, R.t.; Biller-Andorno, N.; Lenk, C.; Lie, R. (Eds.) Evidence-based Practice in Medicine and Health Care. A Discussion of the Ethical Issues, Springer, Berlin Verlag 2005, pp. 97-104 [same as JME article with same title]
- Lie RK. Research ethics and evidence based medicine, Journal of Medical Ethics 2004: 30: 122-125
- Lie RK. Etterord til oversettelsen av Steven Shapin’s The scientific revolution. 1999
- Lie R. Ludwik Fleck and Philosophy of Medicine. In. Science, Technology and the Art of Medicine: European- American Dialogues, ed. Corinna Delkeskamp & Mary Ann Gardell Cutter, 1993
- Lie RK. Forskningens innhold. Det medisinske fakultets historie. In Universitetet i Bergens historie, bind II. Universitetet i Bergen, Bergen 1996, pp. 318-389; 760-778
- Lie R. Anmerkungen zur Analyse des Fortschrittsbegriffes in den experimentellen biomedizinischen Wissenschaften: Eine Fallstudie aus der kardio-vaskulären Physiologie. In: Deppert W, Kliemt H, Lohff B, Schaefer J, eds. Wissenschaftstheorien in der Medizin. Ein Symposium. Walter de Gruyter Verlag, Berlin, 1992, 355-69
- Schaefer J, Lie RK. Zwei Beispielhafte Illustrationen zum Reduktionismusproblem in der Medizin. In: Deppert W, Kliemt H, Lohff B, Schaefer J, eds. Wissenschaftstheorien in der Medizin. Ein Symposium. Walter de Gruyter Verlag, Berlin, 1992, 403-419
- Schaefer J, Deppert W, Lie RK, Lohff B, Noble MIM. Historical note on the translation of H.P. Bowditch's paper 'Ueber die Eigenthümlichkeiten der Reizbarkeit, welche die Muskelfasern des Herzens zeigen". In: Noble MIM, Seed WA, eds. The Interval Force Relationship of the Heart. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1992, 31-9
- Schaefer J, Deppert W, Lie RK, Lohff B, Noble MIM. Translation of H.P. Bowditchs paper: 'Ueber die Eigenthümlichkeiten der Reizbarkeit, welche die Muskelfasern des Herzens zeigen". In: Noble MIM, Seed WA, eds. The Interval Force Relationship of the Heart. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1992, 3-30.
- Lie R. Patterns of theory change in biomedicine: A case study from cardiology. Synthese 1991; 89:75-88
- Lie R. The angina pectoris controversy during the 1920s Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 1991, S599, 129-141
- de Cuzzani P, Lie R. The importance of epistemology for clinical practice. Theoretical Medicine 1991: 12: 87-90
- K. Sagawa, R. Lie, J. Schaefer. Introduction to and translation of O. Frank: Die Grundform des arteriellen Pulses. J Mol Cell Cardiol 1990: 22; 253 - 277.
- Lie R. Homoeopati - vitenskap eller pseudovitenskap? In L. Gule, H. Laugerud (ed), Vitenskap og verdensbilder. Ariadne Press, 1989: pp. 260-279
- Lie R K. The Philosopher as Physician: Testing clinical hypotheses. In Elliot Cohen, ed. Philosophers at Work. An Introduction to the Issues and Practical Uses of Philosophy, Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, New York, 1989, pp. 203-211.
- Schaefer, J., Lie, Reidar K., Deppert, W., Burkhoff, D.Historical review: some reflections on Bowditch's original work, a philosophy of science point of view, and implications for present research on force-interval relations Cardiovascular Research 22: 585 (1988).
- J. Schaefer, R. K. Lie, T Kenner, M Franz, K F Schaffner, D. Burkhoff, K Sagawa, D. T. Yue. Letter to the editor: A place for theoretical cardiology? Basic Research in Cardiology 1987; 82: 317-318
- Lie R. The 'border zone controversy' - a study of theory structure in biomedicine. Theoretical Medicine 1986; 7:243-258
- Lie R. The use of interval estimators as a basis for decision making in medicine. Theoretical Medicine 1984; 5: 233-240.